Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter— when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?
Isaiah 58:7
How does Central UMC serve our neighbors, community and world? We are so glad you asked! Below you will see all the many things we are doing or have done to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the world. We invite you to join us! Local Missions at Central cover a wide range of community services. Support for Hospice and James Love Elementary and Shelby Middle Schools are on-going yearly church-wide projects. CUMC also provides facilities for Boy Scout and Girl Scout programs. Our Open Table Community Meal program provides a hot lunch every Saturday. Habitat for Humanity and Inter-Faith Alliance Men’s Shelter are also served under local missions. Central holds four blood drives per year. Take a look and see where you might be interested in serving. More information is available by calling 704-487-6336 or emailing

OPEN TABLE continues to provide a hot meal every Saturday. We are sharing produce and meals in a “drive-thru” fashion outside. Extra muscles, hands and hearts will be needed. Everyone is welcome from children (with parents) to youth to adults of all ages.
Please arrive to help by 9:30 am.
You can volunteer to help by texting @otcumc to the number 81010.
Open Table is in need of donations in order to meet the needs of our community. They are currently asking for potted meat, saltine crackers, and feminine hygiene products. You may bring your donations by the office Mon-Thurs 9-4 or Fri 9-1.
Please arrive to help by 9:30 am.
You can volunteer to help by texting @otcumc to the number 81010.
Open Table is in need of donations in order to meet the needs of our community. They are currently asking for potted meat, saltine crackers, and feminine hygiene products. You may bring your donations by the office Mon-Thurs 9-4 or Fri 9-1.

Every Summer we get to help local college students shop for the supplies they need for their dorm rooms. It takes just a few hours to share a truly rewarding experience with young adults and their families and share the love of Christ.

Every 2 seconds, someone in the US needs blood. A single car accident victim can require as many as 100 pints of blood. More than 1 million new people are diagnosed with cancer each year. Many of them will need blood, sometimes daily during chemo treatments. More than 38,000 blood donations are needed every day.
Blood donations help millions of people in need. The American Red Cross supplies approximately 40% of the nation’s blood supply. Central United Methodist Church partners with the American Red Cross by hosting quarterly blood drives. These drives are held at Central in the months of January, March, May, July, September, and November. Giving blood is a convenient way for members to support their community and help save lives.
Blood donations help millions of people in need. The American Red Cross supplies approximately 40% of the nation’s blood supply. Central United Methodist Church partners with the American Red Cross by hosting quarterly blood drives. These drives are held at Central in the months of January, March, May, July, September, and November. Giving blood is a convenient way for members to support their community and help save lives.
One pint of blood can save up to 3 lives.
The need for blood is constant. Consider giving blood at the next blood drive and count on giving at Central each quarter. If you have never given blood, it is never too late to start. Watch for specific dates in the newsletter. For more information, contact Joanie Mabry at or 704-418-5865.
Thank you so much for your continued support of our Backpack Ministry through your prayers and donations. This year we are supporting North Shelby and Shelby Middle Schools. We would like to request that you add a backpack item to your shopping list each month. For June, we are requesting Pop-Top Cans of Pasta (like Chef-Boy-R-Dee). Thank you!

Sadly, not all children have a bed to sleep in or pajamas to keep them warm at night. Central UMC provides these basic needs of bedding. Servants help unload bedding supplies upon receipt, assemble bed kits, as well as, decorate/paint containers for all supplies. CUMC helps to fill one of the most basic needs for families in Cleveland County- a safe, clean place to sleep. We can always use help putting bed kits together… All are welcome! You can also serve by keeping these children and families in your prayers.

In July of 2024 we are taking a group of youth to Puerto Rico for a week.
Several times a year we participate in local projects. They include cleaning up the yards at the Women's shelter, the children's home, Tekoa Foothills camp, even the local Broad River Greenway, as well as building with Habitat for Humanity. Individual members of Central respond annually to building requests in 14 countries. This work involves building churches or building onto church property. Some teams will also repair older or damaged churches. Our WNC conference is one of the most active conferences in the US which offers help to churches in Jamaica, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico and other countries. Trips usually last from 10 to 14 days. Skilled or semi-skilled members are led by a WNC conference team leader. The team members must raise their own money.
We also have Medical Teams formed by the conference who provide medical care to countries in need.
Several times a year we participate in local projects. They include cleaning up the yards at the Women's shelter, the children's home, Tekoa Foothills camp, even the local Broad River Greenway, as well as building with Habitat for Humanity. Individual members of Central respond annually to building requests in 14 countries. This work involves building churches or building onto church property. Some teams will also repair older or damaged churches. Our WNC conference is one of the most active conferences in the US which offers help to churches in Jamaica, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico and other countries. Trips usually last from 10 to 14 days. Skilled or semi-skilled members are led by a WNC conference team leader. The team members must raise their own money.
We also have Medical Teams formed by the conference who provide medical care to countries in need.

The Cleveland County Rescue Mission operates a Men’s Winter Shelter during the coldest of the winter months. We support them by providing in person assistance before bedtime. If you are interested in learning more please fill out the connect card at the top of the page and click on the Cleveland Rescue Men's Shelter option.