Welcome, We are glad you are here!
Discovery Class

If you are new to the United Methodist Church and to Central UMC, we invite you to join our Discovery Class where you'll learn more about the United Methodist Church and Central.
The next Discovery Class will be September 15th and 22nd after Worship with a light lunch.
The next Discovery Class will be September 15th and 22nd after Worship with a light lunch.
Lighthouse Congregation
We are excited to announce that we are a Lighthouse Congregation of The Western North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church in partnership with The United Methodist Collective Movement of our District and Conference. As such, we not only commit to remaining a part of The United Methodist Church but also to serving those who have lost their church homes through disaffiliation or closure.

Information About Us
You are welcome to join us for worship on Sundays at 10 am in person or on our app, FB page, of YouTube channel. We welcome guests to Central United Methodist Church in the same spirit of hospitality that Jesus showed throughout his earthly ministry when he encouraged, fellowshipped, and ministered with/to all he encountered. The Central UMC family embraces all God’s children as fellow partakers in the kingdom of God. We take seriously our responsibility and commitment to joyful hospitality, as set forth in examples from both Testaments. (Genesis 18:1-15; Matthew 15:22-28; Mark 10:13-16; Luke 15:11-32) We greet visitors and guests during the announcements at the beginning of each service.
A typical service will last about 60 minutes. We sing a good mix of contemporary and traditional music that is led by our worship team. There is childcare available and activities for all age groups. Plan to join us before the service for Donuts and Coffee/Lemonade outside on Washington Street and meet new people.
What to expect on your first Sunday morning visit with us:
Come to the parking lot by the playground where there are reserved parking spaces for our “Sunday Visitors.”
Sunday School has resumed at 9:00am. We have classes for all ages!
The 10:00am service is open to all and will offer you a worship experience unlike any other, with a time for children, a strong focus on prayer, a blend of musical offerings featuring many of our talented church members, and a message that will revive your spirit for the week ahead!
When we celebrate Holy Communion, we practice an “Open Table,” meaning that ALL are invited to partake of the bread and juice, regardless of denomination or age.
We are a Safe Sanctuary Church. Please be sure that your children are accompanied at all times by a parent or responsible adult caregiver including if and when they need to use the restroom during service. We appreciate your assistance as we strive to ensure the safety of all. You can find our Safe Sanctuary Policy Here.
Thankfully, progress continues in fighting COVID-19. Still, we wish to be careful and maintain a safe environment for everyone. Our task force has decided that wearing masks is optional now. We encourage everyone to become vaccinated so that we can keep those that are immune compromised safe. We greatly appreciate everyone’s cooperation in making CUMC a safe place for worship!
A typical service will last about 60 minutes. We sing a good mix of contemporary and traditional music that is led by our worship team. There is childcare available and activities for all age groups. Plan to join us before the service for Donuts and Coffee/Lemonade outside on Washington Street and meet new people.
What to expect on your first Sunday morning visit with us:
Come to the parking lot by the playground where there are reserved parking spaces for our “Sunday Visitors.”
Sunday School has resumed at 9:00am. We have classes for all ages!
The 10:00am service is open to all and will offer you a worship experience unlike any other, with a time for children, a strong focus on prayer, a blend of musical offerings featuring many of our talented church members, and a message that will revive your spirit for the week ahead!
When we celebrate Holy Communion, we practice an “Open Table,” meaning that ALL are invited to partake of the bread and juice, regardless of denomination or age.
We are a Safe Sanctuary Church. Please be sure that your children are accompanied at all times by a parent or responsible adult caregiver including if and when they need to use the restroom during service. We appreciate your assistance as we strive to ensure the safety of all. You can find our Safe Sanctuary Policy Here.
Thankfully, progress continues in fighting COVID-19. Still, we wish to be careful and maintain a safe environment for everyone. Our task force has decided that wearing masks is optional now. We encourage everyone to become vaccinated so that we can keep those that are immune compromised safe. We greatly appreciate everyone’s cooperation in making CUMC a safe place for worship!
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Get In on Sunday?
On Sundays we have 4 main entrances into our buildings. The first entrance (Door #4) is at the back of the Education Building at the parking lot with the playground. The second entrance (Door #2) is off of Marion Street between the Sanctuary and the Education Building. It is located with the Columbarium and Prayer Garden. The other 2 entrances are on the Sanctuary Building on Washington Street.
Where Are The Sunday School Rooms?
Our Nursery is located on the 1st floor of the Education Building in room 106. Children Sunday School Rooms are on the 3rd floor of the Education Building. Adult Sunday School Rooms are on the 2nd floor of the Education Building. Youth Sunday School meets on the 3rd floor of the Sanctuary. Greeters and ushers are posted at all entrances to help guide you.
Is The Building Handicap Accessible and Is There An Elevator Available?
Yes, we are handicap accessible and we do have an elevator that accesses all floors of both the Sanctuary and Education Buildings. It is found off of Marion Street between the Sanctuary and Education Building.
Where is the Office?
The Office is located on the 1st floor of the Sanctuary Building. The entrance into the office is off of Marion Street between the Sanctuary and Educational Buildings near the Columbarium and Prayer Garden. It is Door 1. There is a buzzer just inside the exterior doors as well as at the Parking Lot Door and Elevator Door.
What Are The Office Hours?
The Office is open Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm and Friday 9am-1pm. Holiday hours can be found on our Facebook page and announced on our website and app.
How Do I Know What's Happening?
We have a variety of media that keeps everyone informed about what's happening at Central. Our Newsletters, Sunday bulletins, Facebook page, Website and App. The best way to stay informed is to Get Our APP! It's available on Google Play and Apple Store as Central UMC-Shelby. Contact the office at central@cumcshelby.org if you want to get on the newsletter mailing list or email list or need other assistance.

Adults and older teens may become professing members of Central United Methodist Church by profession of faith in Jesus Christ,
by reaffirmation of faith after an absence from church life,
by transfer of membership from another denomination or
by transfer from another United Methodist Church. If a person has never been baptized, they will be baptized and received into membership at the same time, in a regular service of worship.
Children and babies are baptized into the universal church of Jesus Christ.
For more information or to schedule baptism, please contact the church office at
We baptized by pouring or sprinkling; immersion baptism may be arranged on special request. We recognized the baptism of other Christian denominations, and so we do not re-baptize persons who come to us to become members.
Adults and teens who receive baptism become Professing Members. Teens (6th grade through 12th grades) and their parent(s) are invited to participate in a period of preparation for confirmation – when they are invited to make their own profession of the faith into which they were baptized. Those not previously baptized will be at the same time as their profession of faith. If membership is desired, please submit the Membership Information Form below and the Pastor will contact you to set up an appointment and discussion on The United Methodist Church and in particular Central UMC.
by reaffirmation of faith after an absence from church life,
by transfer of membership from another denomination or
by transfer from another United Methodist Church. If a person has never been baptized, they will be baptized and received into membership at the same time, in a regular service of worship.
Children and babies are baptized into the universal church of Jesus Christ.
For more information or to schedule baptism, please contact the church office at
We baptized by pouring or sprinkling; immersion baptism may be arranged on special request. We recognized the baptism of other Christian denominations, and so we do not re-baptize persons who come to us to become members.
Adults and teens who receive baptism become Professing Members. Teens (6th grade through 12th grades) and their parent(s) are invited to participate in a period of preparation for confirmation – when they are invited to make their own profession of the faith into which they were baptized. Those not previously baptized will be at the same time as their profession of faith. If membership is desired, please submit the Membership Information Form below and the Pastor will contact you to set up an appointment and discussion on The United Methodist Church and in particular Central UMC.