Central United Methodist
To make Disciples of Christ who WORSHIP God,
GROW in their faith, and SERVE in the
church and world.
Please know that everyone is welcome to Belong and Grow at Central UMC!
Sunday School for all ages meets at 9:00am.
Our 10:00am worship service is open to all and will offer you a worship experience unlike any other with a time for children,
a strong focus on prayer, a blend of musical offerings featuring many of our talented church members,
and a message that will revive your spirit for the week ahead!
When we celebrate Holy Communion, we practice an “Open Table,”
meaning that ALL are invited to partake of the bread and juice, regardless of denomination or age.
We offer Family Night Programming on Wednesdays at 5:15-6:00pm. This includes children's choirs and an Adult Bible Study.
Sunday School for all ages meets at 9:00am.
Our 10:00am worship service is open to all and will offer you a worship experience unlike any other with a time for children,
a strong focus on prayer, a blend of musical offerings featuring many of our talented church members,
and a message that will revive your spirit for the week ahead!
When we celebrate Holy Communion, we practice an “Open Table,”
meaning that ALL are invited to partake of the bread and juice, regardless of denomination or age.
We offer Family Night Programming on Wednesdays at 5:15-6:00pm. This includes children's choirs and an Adult Bible Study.
Sunday Services
Sunday School
Sunday Worship
Weekly Programming
Wednesday Night Family Programming
Ladies Bible Study
Ladies Evening Bible Study
5:15-6pm Children’s Choirs and
Adult Discipleship
6-7 pm Chancel Choir
7:15pm Praise Ensemble
Adult Discipleship
6-7 pm Chancel Choir
7:15pm Praise Ensemble
Living the Life You Want While Dealing with the Life You Have
Wednesday night Adult Discipleship
5:15-6pm Fellowship Hall
This time will be spent learning tips about improving your life spiritually, emotionally, and physically while processing the emotions that come with the life you currently have. This will not be a lecture class, but a time of learning, sharing, supporting, and acting on new patterns of living. Our goal will be to grow in our Christian discipleship, experience fellowship in small groups, and serve Christ in individual and corporate ways.
Wednesday night Adult Discipleship
5:15-6pm Fellowship Hall
This time will be spent learning tips about improving your life spiritually, emotionally, and physically while processing the emotions that come with the life you currently have. This will not be a lecture class, but a time of learning, sharing, supporting, and acting on new patterns of living. Our goal will be to grow in our Christian discipleship, experience fellowship in small groups, and serve Christ in individual and corporate ways.
Thursdays 9:30am-11am in the Conference Room
“Entering the Passion of Jesus” by Amy-Jill Levine
This is not your ordinary Lenten study. In this book the author delves in the history and literature of the last days of Jesus’ life. We find ways to understand and question our own lives through the stories of his trials and choices.
“Entering the Passion of Jesus” by Amy-Jill Levine
This is not your ordinary Lenten study. In this book the author delves in the history and literature of the last days of Jesus’ life. We find ways to understand and question our own lives through the stories of his trials and choices.

Thursdays 6:30pm
Starts April 1st.
"Seamless" by Angie Smith
This book aims to help readers gain a deeper understanding of how all of the books of the Bible connect "as one beautiful, seamless thread," as well as offers practical tools for living a life that seeks and enjoys Jesus. This study is designed for ladies in a season of life where balancing faith, family, and personal growth is key. We invite not only the ladies of Central United Methodist, but also welcome those from the surrounding community to join us. If you're seeking a space for connection and spiritual growth with other women who share similar life experiences, we'd love for you to be a part of this fellowship! We'll meet in the church parlor for our introductory week, with future meeting locations TBD. The book is $20 and may be purchased on Amazon.
Starts April 1st.
"Seamless" by Angie Smith
This book aims to help readers gain a deeper understanding of how all of the books of the Bible connect "as one beautiful, seamless thread," as well as offers practical tools for living a life that seeks and enjoys Jesus. This study is designed for ladies in a season of life where balancing faith, family, and personal growth is key. We invite not only the ladies of Central United Methodist, but also welcome those from the surrounding community to join us. If you're seeking a space for connection and spiritual growth with other women who share similar life experiences, we'd love for you to be a part of this fellowship! We'll meet in the church parlor for our introductory week, with future meeting locations TBD. The book is $20 and may be purchased on Amazon.

Current community Minitries
Open Table
We are asking for donations of Toilet Paper and Personal Products: deodorant, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, etc. (sample/travel size also acceptable). We’ll always take donations of grocery bags and bottled water. We invite you every Saturday from 8 am to noon to help us provide a free hot meal to our community. Join our Open Table Remind text group to get updates and information. This is not a group text and you do not have to download the app. Text the message @otcumc to the number 81010.
We are asking for donations of Toilet Paper and Personal Products: deodorant, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, etc. (sample/travel size also acceptable). We’ll always take donations of grocery bags and bottled water. We invite you every Saturday from 8 am to noon to help us provide a free hot meal to our community. Join our Open Table Remind text group to get updates and information. This is not a group text and you do not have to download the app. Text the message @otcumc to the number 81010.

Backpack Ministry
We need your help in filling our closet with food for the backpacks we deliver to North Shelby and Shelby Middle each week during the school year. For March, we are requesting Granola Bars or Individual Packs of Trail Mix. You may drop them off at the office Mon.-Thur. 9AM-4 PM and Fri. 9 AM-1 PM.
We need your help in filling our closet with food for the backpacks we deliver to North Shelby and Shelby Middle each week during the school year. For March, we are requesting Granola Bars or Individual Packs of Trail Mix. You may drop them off at the office Mon.-Thur. 9AM-4 PM and Fri. 9 AM-1 PM.

Habitat for Humanity
This year, Central UMC is one of the five church partners for Habitat for Humanity in Cleveland County. We are partnering to help build two of the three new houses 601 & 603 E Warren Street. This partnership will be for the entire year it takes to build the homes. Volunteer opportunities include building, providing lunch/snacks/breakfast for volunteers, being on-site first aid, engage with neighbors, providing shuttle service from Marion Elem parking, or helping fundraise to support this mission. Our next build day is April 5 (for framing walls) from 8:00am-3:30pm. Volunteer builder sign up is online at https://cumcshelby.org/habitat-for-humanity.
This year, Central UMC is one of the five church partners for Habitat for Humanity in Cleveland County. We are partnering to help build two of the three new houses 601 & 603 E Warren Street. This partnership will be for the entire year it takes to build the homes. Volunteer opportunities include building, providing lunch/snacks/breakfast for volunteers, being on-site first aid, engage with neighbors, providing shuttle service from Marion Elem parking, or helping fundraise to support this mission. Our next build day is April 5 (for framing walls) from 8:00am-3:30pm. Volunteer builder sign up is online at https://cumcshelby.org/habitat-for-humanity.
Upcoming Events

Holy Week Services with Aldersgate UMC

Live It Out Vacation Bible School 2025

Hurricane Helene Updates
Below is where you will find updates to what we are doing in our community (both local and in the mountains) in response to aftermath of Helene.
Cleaning Buckets
In an effort to restock supplies that were used at the initial clean up of Hurricane Helene, we are collecting items for Cleaning (Flood) Buckets.
We will be sharing this collection with Aldersgate UMC and in a few weeks, we will join together to assemble the buckets and send them on their way.
We are aiming to do 50 buckets.
Items we still need to collect:
10--4-8 oz Pump Spray Air Freshener
1--5 Gallon Round Bucket with Lid.
Here is the link to our Amazon list (all orders from this list will be delivered to Central UMC): https://a.co/gkqK5oc
(you may find items at your local hardware or Dollar Tree store but please don’t vary from the above sizes)
In an effort to restock supplies that were used at the initial clean up of Hurricane Helene, we are collecting items for Cleaning (Flood) Buckets.
We will be sharing this collection with Aldersgate UMC and in a few weeks, we will join together to assemble the buckets and send them on their way.
We are aiming to do 50 buckets.
Items we still need to collect:
10--4-8 oz Pump Spray Air Freshener
1--5 Gallon Round Bucket with Lid.
Here is the link to our Amazon list (all orders from this list will be delivered to Central UMC): https://a.co/gkqK5oc
(you may find items at your local hardware or Dollar Tree store but please don’t vary from the above sizes)
Check out the Fun that Was had at the Valentine's Dinner here.
Latest Sermon
We welcome you to join us online for worship no matter what day or time. Pastor David's sermons can be found by clicking the link below. And we invite you during the week to turn his words into action by seeking ways to serve the needs of your community.
We have become a Lighthouse Congregation of The Western North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church in partnership with The United Methodist Collective Movement of our District and Conference. In doing so, we not only commit to remaining a part of The United Methodist Church but also to serving those who have lost their church homes through disaffiliation or closure.